1. Introduction

Amaze Hackathon is a creative corporate video competition organized by Ascend Commerce Co., Ltd. (“Amaze”) The purpose of this competition is to identify talented students capable of creating compelling short-video content about the Amaze super app. Participants are tasked with producing a 30-second video that highlights Amaze's core value propositions and motivates viewers to download and register for the app to experience its benefits. The winning video will be featured in Amaze's branding and PR campaigns across both online and offline media.

2. Eligibility

  • The competition is for current student in bachelor’s or master’s degree at universities in Thailand.
  • Participants must be 18 to 25 years old or under 18 years old shall have parental/guardian consent.
  • Employees, organizers, and judges of the Amaze Hackathon are not eligible to participate.
  • Students who have been an internship at Ascend Commerce in the department of Amaze Project are not eligible to participate.
  • Participants must compose a team of 3 to 5 members without the same-university requirement.
  • Participants can be register with only one team.
  • Each Participant shall register its own email.
  • On Showcase Day, Amaze reserves the right to check the validity of the registration information submitted by Participants and ask for ID and student cards from Participants for checking.
  • Amaze also reserves the right to refuse participation, or to disqualify, at any times during the Competition, any Participants without justifying.
  • Participants must download and register as an Amaze member to experience and understand its benefits deeply.

3. Composition of the Team

  • Team members shall not be able to change after the Registration Period here below.
  • In the event that the number of Participants in a Team is less than 3 members, the Team shall be disqualified from the competition.

4. Deliverables Requirements

  • Videos must be aligned by the Brand CI of Amaze as the Participants shall be informed by Amaze.
  • The content of the video must represent the brand's value propositions as follows and encourage the audience to download and register for the application including;
    • Team up with Amaze’s partners to unlock potential of the biggest point ecosystem in Thailand.
    • Unify memberships and benefits from Amaze partners.
    • Offer online shopping experience with unmatched delivery edge.
  • Content must be appropriate for all audiences and free of offensive language, images, or themes.
  • Plagiarism or use of copyrighted material without proper permission is strictly prohibited.
  • The video must be original and created specifically for this competition.
  • Each submission (“Videos”) must include 4 (four) videos:
    • One main video: 30 seconds or shorter.
    • Three cut-down videos: 15 seconds or shorter.
  • The video format must be submitted in MP4 or AVI with minimum quality equivalent to 4K (Ultra High Definition or 3840 x 2160 pixel).
  • The video must be in Thai.
  • Submissions must be received by 11.59 P.M. of October 15th, 2024
  • If any revisions are required by Amaze after video submission, the Winners must edit the video according to comments or feedback and resubmit within the specified period.

5. Competition Timeline

Phases Start date End date
Registration Period15 August 202430 September 2024
University Roadshow1 September 202430 September 2024
Briefing session at True Digital Park20 September 2024
Submission timeline21 September 202425 October 2024
Showcase at True Digital Park
(for 15 selected team)
31 October 2024
Winner announcement4 November 2024
Winner event at True Digital Park15 November 2024

6. Judging Criteria

  • The videos will be evaluated out of 100, based on the following criteria:
Criteria Weighting
Storytelling & Features Showcase*50%
Creativity, Originality & Virality30%
Theme Relevancy10%
Technical execution10%
  • *Guidelines for storytelling & features showcase of 30 seconds video are as follows
    • Introduction (5 seconds)
      • Grab attention with an intriguing opening shot or hook.
      • Introducing the concept of the Amaze Super App.
    • Problem-Solution (10 seconds)
      • Present a relatable problem (e.g., busy schedules, scattered services).
      • Show how the Amaze Super App addresses this problem (e.g., all-in-one platform, convenience).
    • Features Showcase (10 seconds)
      • Highlight specific features (e.g., discounts, personalized recommendations).
      • Use visuals to demonstrate how users benefit.
    • Call to Action (3 seconds)
      • Encourage viewers to download the app and sign up for Amaze membership. 
      • Provide a clear call to action (e.g., "Download now!").
    • Closing (2 seconds)
      • End with a memorable closing shot or tagline related to Amaze.
  • The judging criteria will be the same regardless of online or offline presentation.

7. Prizes

  • Prizes will be awarded as follows according to the 4 criteria mentioned above:
PrizeAmount (per team) Number of Winners
1st Place100,000 THB1 Winner
2nd Place50,000 THB1 Winner
3rd Place10,000 THB5 Winners
  • All members in Winning team will receive a certificate of achievement.
  • The winning team will receive the prize from Amaze management one month after announcement.
  • Prizes are non-transferable and no substitution will be made except at the sponsor's discretion. 
  • The prizes are subject to 3% withholding tax.

8. Intellectual Property

  • Amaze reserves the intellectual property rights to any of its assets, whether used in the Video or not. Participants shall not use Amaze's intellectual property for any purpose other than the purposes specified in the rules and conditions of this competition.
  • Participant agrees that the Video created for Amaze Hackathon must be original works created solely by the Participants Video for production and creation specifically for the Amaze Hackathon and according to these rules and conditions.
  • By participating in the competition, each winning Participant agrees that all intellectual property rights of submitted videos shall solely belong to Ascend commerce Co, Ltd,.
  • The Winners acknowledge that they are unable to use the submitted videos or any related assets without explicit written permission from Ascend Commerce Co., Ltd.
  • By participating the competition, each Participant grants Amaze a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, display, and distribute submitted videos for promotional purposes during and after the competition.

9. Disqualification

  • Amaze shall reserve the right to disqualify any submitted video which violate the rules or conditions of the competition. Any decisions or interpretations made by the Amaze shall be deemed to be final.
  • Disqualified participants will be notified via email.

10. Personal Data & Privacy

  • Personal information collected through the form available on [] will be used solely for the purposes of the competition and will not be shared with third parties without consent.
  • Only the authorized persons by Amaze can access the personal data of the Participant for the purposes mentioned above.
  • For any further information on the processing of your personal data, please look up our Privacy Policy here

11. General Conditions

  • No participation fee or purchase is required.
  • The organizers reserve the right to modify these rules at any time. Any changes will be communicated to participants promptly.
  • In the case where there is a conflict between the rules of the competition in the Thai and English versions, the Thai version shall prevail.
  • By participating, participants agree to abide by these rules and the decisions of Amaze shall be deemed to be final and binding.